Amalgam/mercury free dentistry
We no longer use Amalgam Fillings, read more to know why!
Amalgam fillings have been widely used to repair cavities caused by tooth decay. They have been used for many decades. However, most amalgam fillings contain up to 50 percent mercury. Therefore, it's likely that if you possess a silver dental filling, it has been crafted using amalgam. Large mercury filling is often attributed to an increase in tooth fractures and permanent damage to the tooth structure. It also corrodes over time in the harsh environment of the mouth, leaking metallic ions which cause staining and discoloration of the tooth. This makes it difficult for decay to be detected, often it is left to worsen until the subsequent more complicated treatment needs to be done. If you have mercury amalgam fillings, these can be replaced with composite (white) fillings. Large mercury fillings can be replaced with strong ceramic or prefabricated resin for added strength and protection These not only match the color of your teeth to give a natural appearance and last for a long time.

Permanent solution
Improved chewing and speaking
Natural function and look
Improved facial appearance
Prevention of bone loss
No special care required
Very sturdy and secure
No diet restrictions
Can be changed or updated
Oral Health Consultation
Includes Full Mouth X-Ray and Treatment Plan
Exam & Cleaning
Includes Full Mouth Cleaning
White Filling
Includes 1 Composite Filling
Full Mouth Digital X-Ray
Minimally Invasive Techology
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi. Praesent fringilla pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Nunc id massa ut mi tempus mattis ac eu lectus. Praesent egestas eleifend porta. Sed posuere venenatis libero quis tempor. Nulla metus mi, malesuada eu risus nec, placerat imperdiet ex.